For many years, the priory of Rouge-Cloître – built in the heart of a valley in the Sonian Forest – has been the subject of several archaeological missions. Guided by the landscaping and restoration work, these have provided a wealth of data on the buildings and their chronology, as well as on the materials of which they are composed. Thanks to geological and dendrochronological analyses, it has been possible to clearly identify the materials and their origins – with a few pleasant surprises, including materials that sometimes came from far away! The archaeologists will take you on a tour of

the priory of Rouge-Cloître through its ‘materiality’. What types of stone were used on the site? Where did they come from? What tools were used to carve them over the centuries? The dendrochronologists will introduce you to the techniques used to date carpentry and joinery by measuring the width of the tree rings, and to identify the species present in the various parts of the buildings, as well as how they were used.

Collaboration – Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage – Museum Art & History


Book your guided tour in French HERE



Guided tours on Saturday 15/06/2024

Address: Rouge Cloître – Rood Klooster, rue du Rouge-Cloître – Rokloosterstraat 4, 1160 Oudergem

Meeting point: in front of the Centre d’Art de Rouge-Cloître – Kunstencentrum Roodklooster

Maximum 25 persons per guided tour

Reservation compulsory

Accessible for PRM with help

Schedule of guided tours (Duration of the visit: 1h30)

Guided tours only in French

Saturday 15/06/2024

11u00 (FR)

13u00 (FR)